Future catchment area

Friuli Venezia Giulia at the center of the Euro-region

Served by a modern and efficient road system, Città Fiera can be reached by cities which seem distant, and its location at the center of the region makes it a perfect starting point to move easily over an are of great historical and natural value, where antiquity and modernity coexist in harmony.
Its central position with respect to two important international routes (Corridor V and A23) allows the shopping center to exert its pull on both the fore-mentioned catchment area of the Euro-region and on potential customers going North and East.
Equally important for the purpose of attractiveness are partnerships and joint program with other local industries: Udine and Gorizia Fiera, Cormor Park, Friuli Stadium, Carnera Arena. The analysis of Città Fiera's catchment area shows its quite high, thanks to the local road system and international connection, number of residents for which travel time to the center is less than 120 minutes.



Future catchment area
